Mindful and Reflective Moments
Mindful and Reflective Moments
Luis Inoa - "A Meditative Reading"
Poetry and spoken word have long been meditative and empowering spaces for Vassar College Associate Dean of the College for Student Living and Wellness, Luis Inoa, known on campus as Dean Luis. Join him as he reads pieces from Morgan Harper Nichols and Alexis Pauline Gumbs. The pieces will invite you to breathe and listen deeply.
Intro 0:00
Episode 0:43
Hi my name is Luis Jimenez Inoa. Students here at Vassar call me Dean Luis. For a long time both the written and the spoken word have been sources of inspiration and solace. Over the course of the last year the work of Morgan Harper Nichols and Alexis Pauline Gumbs have given me space to breath and be. I will be sharing a piece of written work from each of them.
The first is a “Daily Reminder” from Morgan Harper Nichols
- You have not seen everything you were meant to see. You have not met everyone you were meant to meet. You have not done all the things you were meant to do. You have not traveled to all the places you were meant to travel to. You have seen a lot of the ocean, but there are still further depths. Take heart, breath deep. You are far from finished yet.
Early during the pandemic I signed up to receive a weekly email from Morgan. Many of them serve as a reminder to be kinder to myself. To slow down. To take notice. To breathe. I particularly love her work because it is a combination of the written work and visual art. I highly recommend that you check out her instagram and youtube accounts. For me it is particularly effective to read the pieces out loud and to reflect on the intention.
I believe it is vital that we allow the sound and vibration of the words to flow through us.
I will now share a piece by poet, activist, scholar, and black feminist Alexis Pauline Gumbs. This particular piece, given the repetition and cadence, provides a meditative space for me. It allows me to recognize my needs and my own beauty. I hope it will do the same for you.
Through Me
a future is flowing through me
a life-tide is flowing through me
those who have met in the water undrowned are flowing through me
ripples ripples ripples
ripples are flowing through me
genesis is ongoing and it is flowing through me
abundance is flowing through me
the infinite love of the universe is flowing through me
love is flowing through me
ancestral affirmation is flowing through me
love is flowing through me
village is flowing through me
love is flowing through me
the glow of each other’s love is flowing through me
gratitude is flowing through me
all the places I have ever been are flowing through me
gratitude is flowing through me
softness is flowing through me
gratitude is flowing through me
grounded divinity is flowing through me
gratitude is flowing through me
the breaths we take together are flowing through me
gratitude is flowing through me
silky waters full of nourishment are flowing through me
gratitude is flowing through me
deep gratitude for the core of my belly is flowing through me
gratitude for the unknown and the unlearning is flowing through me
wind is flowing through me
oxygen is flowing through me
all of you are flowing through me
us together is flowing through me
connection is flowing through me
glowing thick connection is flowing through me
luz is flowing through me
the stars are flowing through me
amber is flowing through me
glory is flowing through me
resonant song is flowing through me
the dance of the unknown is flowing through me
wonder is flowing through me
tenderness is flowing through me
spirit is flowing through me
movement is flowing through me
lands and seas are flowing through me
exhaustion is flowing through me
cariño is flowing through me
surrender is flowing through me
release is flowing through me
relief is flowing through me
death is flowing through me opening my heart and vision
my ancestors are flowing through me
generations to come are flowing through me
life is flowing through me
clarity is flowing through me
grace is flowing through me
ease is flowing through me
abundant trust in myself is flowing through me
grace is flowing through me
hope and stardust is flowing through me
laughter and trouble-making is flowing through me
joy is flowing through me
hope is flowing through me
quiet power in community with bits of glitter are flowing through me
hope is flowing through me
wow is flowing through me
rusty hard rain is flowing through me
unafraid song is flowing through me
bravery is flowing through me
trust is flowing through me
faith is flowing through me
light is flowing through me
truth is flowing through me
possibility is flowing through me
movement is flowing through me
magic is flowing through me
iridescent light and sound are flowing through me
coolness and clarity are flowing through me
expansion and co-creation are flowing through me
compassion for the bumps and bruises is flowing through me
longing for sea tendrils reaching the moonlight is flowing through me
trust is flowing through me
manifestation is flowing through me
balance is flowing through me
poetry is flowing through me
spirit is flowing through me
This has been Luis Jimenez Inoa. Thank you for listening and hearing me.
Outro 7:07